General information

Faoug marina

The port of Faoug is very interesting purely in terms of its design. Its round construction provides good protection against wind and waves from all directions. There are many moorings for guests. The port was built in the late 1980s and is managed by Marina Port de Faoug SA. It offers approx. 350 water places plus approx. 100 dry places.
Harbour Master: Nourddine Goumnacef
Telefon: 026 672 90 60
Phone: 079 241 09 79
Opening hours: unknown

Service offers of this port:

Toilette vorhanden  Toilets Dusche vorhanden  Showers Frischwasser vorhanden  Fresh water
Faekalabsaugung vorhanden  Service used water Toilette vorhanden  Proviant Restaurant vorhanden  Restaurant
Rollstuhlgaengig  Wheelchair accessible Strom vorhanden  Electricity Strand vorhanden  Beach
Toilette vorhanden  WiFi Tankstelle vorhanden  Fuelstation Waschmaschine vorhanden  Laudrette
Abfallentsorgung  Refuse Spielplatz vorhanden  Playground Sliprampe vorhanden  Slipway
Abfallentsorgung  Sports Abfallentsorgung  Workshop Hafenkran  Crane
Abfallentsorgung   Parking Abfallentsorgung   Bottlegas exchange Abfallentsorgung   Place for winter storage

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